16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (25th November – 10th December) is an international campaign for organisations and individuals around the world to work for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls.
The 16 Days of Activisim begins with the United Nations (UN) Official Commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (21st November) and ends with Human Rights Day (10th December) marking the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN in 1948.
To support the cause, Relationships Australia South Australia has been active and will be participating in a number of community events across the state.
RASA was represented by three tables of staff at the largest Adelaide White Ribbon Day Breakfast in its 9 year history with 1248 attendees. It was also the largest White Ribbon Breakfast event being held in Australia, the significance of which was noted by both interstate guests, keynote speaker, the Honourable Marcia Neave, AO (Chair of the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence) and Nicholas Cowdery AM, QC.
On the 26th of November, the White Ribbon March will be departing Tarndanyangga (Victoria Square) at 10am and will proceed to Parliament House. Staff, family and friends are invited to come and show their support. Look out for a group of RASA staff and the RASA banner when you arrive at Tarndanyangga.
For those living in the South of Adelaide, Onkaparinga Collaborative Approach have organised a Month-of-Action to End Family and Domestic Violence. For more details click here.