The Walking on Eggshells Project has recently been endorsed as an evidence-based therapeutic group by the Institute of Group Leaders (IGL).
Walking on Eggshells evolved from the Flinders University Southern Knowledge Exchange grant in 2011 to provide resources for parents and carers who are dealing with violent and abusive behaviour from their children and adolescents. Originally known as the Respectful Relationships project, Walking on Eggshells began as partnership between Relationships Australia South Australia, Junction Australia and Flinders University, and has now expanded to include Reconnect-Port Adelaide, Centacare-Ottoway, Woodcroft Neighbourhood Centre and Outer South Generic Homelessness Service.
The Walking on Eggshells Project developed and implemented Step Up for SA in 2014, a free 9-week family program to address young people’s violence and abuse in the family. This program uses a cognitive behaviour, skills based approach to help young people stop the use of violent and abusive behaviours and teaches non-violent, respectful ways of communicating and resolving conflict with family members.
IGL has a national endorsement process for community based group work programs and a website register of those programs. Walking on Eggshells has been awarded bronze endorsement by IGL and can be found on their website here. Congratulations to all of our staff involved in the Project!