“Not a Game Worth Betting On” is taking place on Tuesday, 12th September at 12 pm with the year 8s at Le Fevre High School in collaboration with Uni SA’s Sports Connect Program.
The session will comprise several inclusive sports-based activities that will: encourage social cohesion and connection; promote the ‘love of the game’; distinguish ‘gaming’ from ‘gambling’; raise awareness around the impact that someone’s gambling may have on a friend or family member; and build skills around leadership, teamwork, resilience and self-esteem.
Young people are particularly vulnerable to online gambling due to the amount of time they spend online. A recent study undertaken by the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation highlighted that at least one student in every high school classroom has a problem with gambling.
Data shows that although sports betting is not currently accessed to the same extent as gaming machines, it is becoming more prevalent, especially for young people. To complicate this further, sports betting is difficult to avoid as it is advertised profusely on mobile phones, billboards, public transport, social media and television.
This event is proudly organised by the Western Region Gambling Help Service at Relationships Australia SA. The Service is keen to hear from other schools in the Western part of Adelaide who would like to participate in similar activities. Call 8340 2022 for more information.
Are you a teacher or parent and want some info about what you can do in your school? See here for some excellent resources.