Relationships Australia South Australia respects the rights of clients, students and staff to privacy and confidentiality of their information, including responsible use of information obtained during the delivery of client services.
Securely maintaining all personal information collected through the provision of our services is the foundation of effective confidentiality processes. Privacy of personal information must therefore be considered in the collection, storage, access, use and disclosure of all client and staff records.
This principal of confidentiality holds except in instances where maintaining confidentiality may lead to extreme harm for the client or other individuals, or where legal proceedings (if applicable) require us to disclose records, or where the sharing of information is consented to in writing by the person or persons concerned.
The sharing of information can also sometimes be a condition of service for some programs, such as child contact services, or where the sharing of information has implied client consent due to the general expectation that sharing relevant information, in supervision for instance, will assist in the delivery of an effective and quality client service.
For more information about your rights, download the Privacy and Confidentiality Brochure.
If you are concerned about the management of your personal information, you have the right to submit a formal complaint. We take all complaints seriously and regard mistakes as an opportunity to learn and thereby improve our services and service systems. See the Client Complaints page for more information.