On Tuesday 25 November, Australians will join together to show their support to put an end to violence against women.
In Australia, an average of one woman a week is killed by a current or former partner. Relationships Australia is supporting the White Ribbon campaign and the many people and organisations who say no to domestic violence.
As part of White Ribbon Day, men and women around Australia are encouraged to wear a white ribbon to demonstrate their support for the White Ribbon Campaign. White Ribbon Day is Australia’s longest running campaign to stop violence against women and is led by thousands of male Ambassadors.
Relationships Australia (SA) will be getting involved in the following ways:
- Joining other White Ribbon ambassadors and supporters at a community event in the Riverland
- Attending the Adelaide White Ribbon Breakfast, featuring Lt General David Morrison AO, Chief of Army Australia
- Selling White Ribbon ribbons and wristbands
- Encouraging men to take the White Ribbon oath
- Starting Stage 2 of the White Ribbon Workplace Accreditation Program
Chair of Relationships Australia’s National Board, Mat Rowell said: “White Ribbon Day is so important because it shines a light on a topic that is all too often swept under the carpet. It is a way for people to start much needed discussion on domestic violence, an issue that affects an incredible number of people, yet is very difficult to talk about.”
“Domestic violence has a major impact on many of the women and children we see at Relationships Australia. It often extends past physical abuse, as on-going mental abuse and controlling tactics can be equally harrowing for the victims. There is never any excuse for threatening, abusive or violent behaviour, no matter how angry or frustrated someone is,” Mr Rowell said.
It’s well recognised that women are at the greatest risk of violence from people they know, and often within intimate relationships. People turn a blind eye to ‘domestic violence’ where they wouldn’t tolerate an ‘assault’ on the street. They are the same thing.
Healthy relationships are built on the values of equality and respect. In a healthy relationship, power is shared and there is no attempt to make one partner subject to the will of the other. Non-violent communication is used to resolve conflict and when people need support to work through relationship roadblocks, they get it.
Relationships Australia runs a number of Family Safety Programs for men who have used violence in their relationships. Other Relationships Australia services include counselling for individuals couples and families; parenting and relationship education; support for families going through separation; specialist services for young people leaving out of home care, refugee families and Aboriginal communities; workplace counselling and training; employee assistance programs for companies; and training for family support professionals. Relationships Australia is part of a national network of over 150 centres.