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Anniversary of the National Apology Commemorative Events

Relationships Australia South Australia is involved in two community events commemorating the 7th Anniversary of the National Apology this year.

Friday, 13 of February marks the 7th Anniversary of the National Apology to Australia’s Indigenous Peoples, which was delivered by former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on February 13, 2008. The Apology gave particular acknowledgement to the Stolen Generations.

Walk of Awareness – Port Adelaide 11:30 am

The community will gather on the northern side of Birkenhead bridge, and will walk across the southern side to Hart’s Mill where story telling, a Kaurna Welcome to Country, and a free community BBQ will take place.

This will be a great opportunity to walk alongside members of your community and connect on this important date. We hope to see you there.

See flyer for more details:

Walk of Awareness

Remembering the Stolen Generations: A Time of Reflection – Veale Gardens 10:00 am

A community healing event for survivors of the Stolen Generations, their families and supporters will be held in the Southern Parklands, Friday, 13 February from 10 am – 2 pm. The event will be held in the Veale Gardens, on South Terrace in the city, south of the Conservatory.

This will be a day of recognition, healing and pampering to members of the Stolen Generations, their families and communities, and will feature ceremonies, music, art, and story telling. A community barbeque will also be held.

This event is run by a coalition of community organisations led by Nunkuwarrin Yunti. If members of the Stolen Generation require transportation to the event, they may contact Life Without Barriers on 8169 3000.

See flyer for more details:

Remembering the Stolen Generations

Our Support Services:

If you, or someone you know, might benefit from one of our related services please contact us via the links below.

Find & Connect Support Services: Find & Connect Support Services is designed to help Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants by providing counselling, help with records and family searches and support for family reunions for those who grew up in out-of-home care.

Post Care Support Services: A support service providing information, advocacy and referral for adults who were in State or out-of-home care as children.

Royal Commission Support Services: Providing assistance and support for people who are engaging with the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.