Infant massage can help ease your baby’s tummy troubles and teething pains, boost his muscle development, calm him when he’s fussy, and soothe him to sleep.
This 15 May, a group of instructors of the O’Sullivan beach Children’s Centre, will demonstrate massage techniques that suit you and your little one.
This 5 week workshop is a great opportunity to creating a special time with your baby and build your connection with them.
Babies need to be under 10 months at the commencement of the program to attend.
The group starts on 15 May for 5 weeks. Fridays, 12.30pm – 2.30pm,15, 22, 29 May & 5 and 12 June 2015.
Where: O’Sullivan Beach Children’s Centre, Community Room
51a Galloway Road, O’Sullivan Beach SA.
Parking is available on Galloway Road, but not in the centre carpark.
Please call Relationships Australia SA, Marion on 8377 5400 to register your interest.
There is no cost for this service.
For more information click here