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National Sorry Day 2016

National Sorry Day is taking place on Thursday 26 May from to 2pm at the Stolen Generation Memorial and Healing Garden, Stebonheath Park, Andrews Farm. 

This free community event will feature special guests:

Josh Warrior
Nathan May
Simi Vuata
Princess Elsa ‘Chloe Kotsano’
Brutha ‘n’ I
MC David Rathman
Welcome to Country by the Taikurtinna Dance Group
Special Guest Speakers Chrissy Doolan & Chrisy Evans from The Circle of Hope Inc.

As well as activities for all such as face painting, henna, nature play, and more.

This event is followed by a celebration and lunch at the John McVeity Centre, 182 Peachy Road, Smithfield Plains.

Limited bus pickups are available, phone 8250 6600 to book.