Journalists or media professionals looking for information and resources about Relationships Australia SA can access our contact details, media releases and backgrounder.
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Contact: Naomi Ebert Smith, Manager Communications and Development Unit
Phone: (08) 8216 5200 or 0429 101 181
With over 300 employees, Relationships Australia SA provides relationship support services through 9 offices across South Australia and outreach services including the Adelaide Hills, Barossa, Clare Valley, Fleurieu Peninsula, Gawler, Hackham West, Kangaroo Island, Mount Barker, Murray Mallee, Port Augusta, Yorke Peninsula and the Southern region.
The majority of our funding is provided through the Federal and State Governments, with additional limited funding from grants and client fees. Many of our services are provided free of charge or at a modest fee, depending on the client’s ability to pay.
In the past year, Relationships Australia SA provided services to thousands of clients across the State, and every year this number increases. We offer a wide range of additional services to many diverse groups and have developed strong relationships with multicultural, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.
As an independent, not-for-profit organisation, the work of Relationships Australia SA involves improving the wellbeing of people. Our visions is ‘a just and equitable society in which diversity is valued, relationships are respected, where people have a sense of connection and belonging and an opportunity to learn and develop’.
This includes improving the relationships that are fundamental to personal wellbeing; improving people’s health; strengthening people’s connections to their community; and empowering people to have control over and make changes that improve their lives.
As an organisation we recognise and support diversity in society and believe in the right of all people to a dignified, socially valued and secure life. In our work we are therefore responsive to the needs of different groups and we specifically aim to redress systematic discrimination on the basis of gender, age, sexuality, disability, race, creed and nationality.
Relationships Australia SA is committed to providing services which reflect the changing needs to individuals, families and communities. Services are provided within a primary health care framework which includes our involvement in:
- Developing personal skills
- Creating supportive environments
- Strengthening community action
- Developing public policy
- Reorienting services.
We are committed to a collaborative and inter-agency approach in all areas of service provision. We work with communities to ensure that services are provided at a local level; complementary to other services and that our programs are targeted to those who are most disadvantaged.
The Australian Institute of Social Relations is the training and education division of Relationships Australia SA, growing from its beginnings as the Centre of Personal Education (COPE) into a specialist provider of community and professional development. It is a national Community Services Skills Centre and a Registered Training Organisation offering nationally recognised qualifications.
Each State and Territory member is a financially independent, registered, not-for-profit organisation providing a wide range of services. As a national federation, we bring together the collective skills of each state and territory organisation to ensure high quality services for all Australians, along with a National Office which coordinates across the members and engages in national policy processes and representation.
Media Releases
Towards making a positive change: The power of the collective (November 2017)
National Sorry Day – Still More Action is Urgently Required (May 2017)
How someone’s gambling problems affect their family – Responsible Gambling Awareness Week (May 2017)
Neighbour Day 2017: It’s Time to Reconnect with Those Around Us (March 2017)
The Journey of Healing Continues for the Stolen Generations at the Annual Apology Day Community Event (January 2017)
Need for More Talk on End of Life Decisions (June 2016)
Honouring the Stolen Generation (February 2016)
New website offers relationship support to people with chronic illness (January 2016)
Neighbour Day Launches New Photo Competition (August 2015)
New Blood Borne Virus Services for Women with HIV (August 2015)
The Story of the Memorial for Children who died in State Care (June 2015)
Introducing PEP…to Port Lincoln! (June 2015)
Have your say day! (May, 2015)
Family Safety programs (May, 2015)
Responsible Gambling Awareness Week – the odds might be high (May 2015)
National Sorry Day (May, 2015)
Gay Men’s Health SA is on the move (May, 2015)
Relationships Australia South Australia is home to the new Forced Adoption Support Service (April, 2015)
Neighbour Day – a day to celebrate (March, 2015)
Neighbour Day 2015 (March, 2015)
‘Tell Us Your Story’ Neighbour Day Competition (February, 2015)
Walk of Awareness (February, 2015)
Study Community Services in 2015: Berri Info Sessions (January, 2015)
Study Community Services in 2015: Adelaide Info Sessions (January, 2015)