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Responding to your needs

Relationships Australia South Australia has over 60 years’ experience in providing services that respond to the needs of South Australians. We are a not-for-profit, charitable organisation, with no religious affiliations.  Our purpose is to provide services which assist people who are vulnerable and disadvantaged, with a particular focus on:

  • Those who are financially disadvantaged and are unable to access other services;
  • Those who are living with complex life situations;
  • Those who are affected by past experiences or health conditions which have a  impact on their lives.

At Relationships Australia South Australia we are here to provide the help needed to overcome difficulties so that people can bring about positive change in their lives.

We receive funding from both the Commonwealth and State governments. We are a member of the National Federation of Relationships Australia, which has member organisations in every Australian State and Territory.

Our approach

Our health and wellbeing services are based on a primary health approach. This broad approach recognises the importance of the social environment – families, friends, colleagues, communities – as an influence on how well we feel. We understand that life can have unexpected challenges and we support people during these times. We recognise that there are health inequalities in our society and we work closely with community groups to make sure our services are responsive to diverse experiences and needs.

We employ over 280 staff and provide services from nine different locations, in addition to outreach services to many communities and schools across South Australia.

We are governed by a board of directors. For more information, see Governance.