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AgriForums in the Adelaide Hills

Two free Agricultural Forums will be held in the Adelaide Hills as part of Relationships Australia SA’s Drought Assistance Program. The forums will focus on the effects of environmental fluctuations on farming and farmers. The practical and the personal impacts of negotiating dry seasons will be explored in the forums to support horticulturalists to plan for and adapt to changing climatic conditions.

The forums will be held on:

  • Wednesday 15 June, 6pm – 9pm, Onkaparinga Valley Football Club, Main Street Balhannah
  • Friday 17 June, 6pm – 9pm, Meadows Memorial Hall, Mawson Road, Meadows

Each event starts with a barbecue at 6pm catered by the Lions Club, with the speakers commencing at 6.30pm.

Keynote speaker, Hamish Dickson, Principal Livestock consultant of AgriPartner will explore:

  • Increasing productivity through improved nutrition and management
  • Managing stock during the transition to green feed
  • Feed budgeting for sheep and cattle in dry seasons
  • Principles of sheep and beef nutrition.

Dr Keith Miller, Senior Lecturer Social Work and Social Planning at Flinders University will discuss the impact of environmental stress including drought on mental health and wellbeing. Dr Miller will also examine the stigma surrounding mental illness and how it constitutes a barrier to seeking help.

Darren Ray, Senior Climatologist from the Bureau of Meteorology will discuss the regional weather forecast and the potential impacts on agri-business.

Funded by the Australian Government the forums are hosted in partnership with Centacare.