Just finished SACE? Thinking about your next career move? Why not try community services, one of Australia’s growth industries. Continue Reading
2014 Annual Report
Relationships Australia (SA) has released its 2014 annual report, which includes a range of inspiring and uplifting stories from the 2013-2014 financial year. Continue Reading
A guide to navigating the festive season as a separated family
The festive season can be a tricky time for separated families. Everyone wants to see their children on Christmas day, but when you’re living in separate households, that’s not always possible.
However, there are some ways to make the festive season run more smoothly and ensure that both children and parents get the opportunity to enjoy a safe and happy holiday season together. Continue Reading
School Holiday Fun with Together 4 Kids
Our Together 4 Kids service is hosting a series of events throughout the 2014/2015 summer holidays. Continue Reading
Lack of energy
A 91-year-old woman wonders about the cause of her lethargy. Continue Reading
It’s time to split from this lazy git
FAMILY FORUM: After years of unhappy marriage, a reader is ready to move on. Continue Reading
SA Adoption Act – Review Underway Now
The South Australian Government is currently reviewing the SA Adoption Act and invites you to have your say. Continue Reading
I just want to be friends, he says
A reader’s partnership breaks down after three years but he says she won’t listen. Continue Reading
Relationships Australia Survey Identifies Need for Mateship
A new Relationships Australia survey has found that close to one in four women and one in three men did not have someone to help them out if they were in need. Continue Reading
World AIDS Day Breakfast and Art Exhibition
On Monday 1 December Judith Cross, CEO at Relationships Australia (SA), spoke at a World AIDS Day breakfast at the Art Gallery of South Australia. Continue Reading