A Relationships Australia (SA) counsellor is now available in Loxton on Wednesdays. Continue Reading
World AIDS Day: Getting to Zero
World AIDS Day takes place every year on 1 December. This morning in Adelaide it started with a breakfast at the Art Gallery of South Australia where Judith Cross, CEO at Relationships Australia (SA) launched the World AIDS Day art exhibition. Continue Reading
Code of Silence
A reader who was exploited by an organisation wonders what she can do about it. Continue Reading
Family business a recipe for stress
A reader worries that her overworked husband is missing out on the kids growing up. Continue Reading
Coping with Trauma and Loss
Relationships Australia was saddened to hear of the death of Australian cricketer, Phillip Hughes. Our thoughts are with the Australian cricket community and especially the Hughes family. Continue Reading
Memorial for Past Adoption Policies and Practices
In September 2014, the State Government of South Australia provided funding for a memorial to be built in recognition of those who were separated by past adoption policies and practices. Our Post Adoption Support Services has been holding community consultations in regards to the proposed memorial and has now developed an online survey for people to provide their input. Continue Reading
Say No to Domestic Violence
On Tuesday 25 November, Australians will join together to show their support to put an end to violence against women.
In Australia, an average of one woman a week is killed by a current or former partner. Relationships Australia is supporting the White Ribbon campaign and the many people and organisations who say no to domestic violence. Continue Reading
To the limit
A reader wonders if it is possible to lower the limit on a credit card to avoid getting into financial debt. Continue Reading
Without a job, I just don’t feel like a man
A reader explains how his unemployment is causing issues, but his wife doesn’t understand, in this week’s Family Forum. Continue Reading
Riverland breaks the silence around violence
WHITE RIBBON DAY: A group of White Ribbon Ambassadors and supporters from the Riverland has organised an event to help raise awareness about White Ribbon Australia’s work to end men’s violence against women. Continue Reading