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Royal Commission arrives in SA

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has arrived in South Australia.  The Royal Commission’s Chief Executive Officer, Ms Janette Dines, announced that face-to-face private sessions with Commissioners start this week in Adelaide and will continue during July. Continue Reading

New Tool Launched

Our Research and Evaluation team has recently developed and started piloting an exciting new tool that allows us to discover vital information about our clients’ health and wellbeing.

The tool, currently known as PACES, follows on from our previous work in risk assessment, which included the development of the Detection of Overall Risk Screen (DOORS). Continue Reading

Commission to Break the Silence

Relationships Australia (SA) fully supports the Royal Commission into institutional responses to allegations of child sex abuse in Australia recently announced by the Prime Minister.

This Commission will help to break the silence and bring into the open people’s experiences and the failures that occurred by many institutions to appropriately respond and take action.

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