This content rich annual report shows how we are making an impact and it is aligned to our Strategic Plan 2016-21.
Adoption Act changes will commence in December
Today, Cathy Taylor, Chief Executive of the Department for Child Protection, advised us that changes to the Adoption Act will commence on the 18 December 2017. Continue Reading
Adoptee Voices Web Series
Ra Chapman is a client of our Post Adoption Support Service (PASS) and an inter-country adoptee from Korea. Ra decided to produce a web series about the experiences of Australian inter-country adoptees after discovering a lack of content about the topic. Read on for Ra’s story. Continue Reading
‘Adopted’ Book Launch
RASA’s Forced Adoption Support Service (FASS) was pleased to host the launch of the book Adopted on Friday 14 July. Ms Nat Cook MP launched the event on behalf of the Hon. Susan Close MP, Minister for Education and Child Development. Continue Reading
Forced Adoption Support Service Funding Extended
On 21 March 2013, the then Prime Minister Julia Gillard apologised on behalf of the Australian Government to people affected by forced adoption or removal policies and practices. Continue Reading
National Apology Anniversary for Forced Adoption
March 21 marks the fourth anniversary of the National Apology to those affected by Forced Adoption and/or removal practices and policies within Australia. Continue Reading
Same-sex couples in South Australia now eligible to adopt
On Friday 17 February, Minister Close announced a proclamation of the same-sex adoption provisions of the South Australian Adoption (Review) Amendment Act 2016. Continue Reading
Family Forum – Inheritance in will can be challenged
The rights of adopted children under the law are identical to any other children, read on…
Birth Fathers of Adopted Children: Seeking Research Participants
The School of Social Sciences ad the University of New South Wales is currently seeking participants for a research project seeking to give a voice to Australian Fathers who have experienced their child being adopted. Continue Reading
Changes to the Adoption Act
The Adoption (Review) Amendment Bill 2016 has been introduced to amend the Adoption Act. At this stage, the Bill has not been passed and no laws have changed.