The Neighbour Day ‘Tell Us Your Story’ competition invites people in communities around the country to share their stories of an extraordinary neighbour, or an amazing neighbourly act.
Adult Health & Wellbeing
What does a Respectful Relationship look like?
For each one of us, respect looks and feels different. Despite this, we know when things aren’t right. Jenni from Respect Me, writes “for a relationship to be respectful both partners need to be equal, feel safe, valued and accepted for who they are.” This is not always easy and for most couples, creating a respectful relationship takes effort and is an ongoing commitment.
Relationships Australia SA is accredited as a ‘White Ribbon Workplace’
On March 31 White Ribbon Australia was pleased to announce Relationships Australia SA has successfully been accredited as a ‘White Ribbon Workplace’.
National Sorry Day 2016
National Sorry Day is taking place on Thursday 26 May from to 2pm at the Stolen Generation Memorial and Healing Garden, Stebonheath Park, Andrews Farm. Continue Reading
Do you have a story to tell about adoption separation?
Stories of adoption experiences in Australia can be very difficult to find online, especially those from the forced adoption era. Relationships Australia South Australia’s Forced Adoption Support Services (FASS) will be producing an online video series about living with the effects of past adoption practices. Continue Reading
Student Training Clinic Returns
Our Student Training Clinic is back! The Clinic offers 4 free fortnightly counselling sessions (individual or couples counselling) conducted by our student counsellors in their final stages of training at our training arm, the Australian Institute of Social Relations. Continue Reading
National apology to those affected by former forced adoption policies and practices in Australia
Today we remember the national apology offered by the then Prime Minister Julia Gillard on 21 March 2013 to those affected by former forced adoption policies and practices in Australia.
Forced Adoption Support Service Small Grants Scheme
Our Forced Adoption Support Service has a component of funding called the Small Grants program. The program is aimed at activities that build capacity and enhance support for people affected by forced adoption. Continue Reading
Review of the Adoption Act 1988 – Review Recommendations
During 2014-15, the South Australian Adoption Act 1988 and Adoption Regulations 2004 were reviewed by independent reviewer, Associate Professor Lorna Hallahan. The Review report is available from the DECD website which you can find here.
Truthful, beneficial and respectful – how clients feel about being asked ‘hard questions’
Research studies, several peak bodies and our own practice wisdom tell us the same thing: we as service providers need to screen families for many risks when they use our services.