Jeanette Stott is a finalist at the 2015 Workplace Excellence Awards for her entry the Sound Partnership House. Continue Reading
Adult Health & Wellbeing
Memorial for Children who died in State Care unveiling tomorrow
The unveiling of the Memorial for children who died while in State Care at the West Terrace cemetery on Wednesday 17 June 2015 is a significant event. Continue Reading
Gay Men’s Health SA is on the move
Gay Men’s Health SA came to Relationships Australia South Australia after the closure of the AIDS Council of South Australia in 2013. Gay Men’s Health SA is on the move again to a new organisation starting on July 1, 2015.
Relationships Australia South Australia is home to the new Forced Adoption Support Service
Minister for Social Services, the Hon. Scott Morrison today announced $3.9 million in Coalition Government funding which will enable people adversely affected by forced adoption practices to benefit from specialised support services across Australia. Relationships Australia South Australia will be providing this service in SA.
Support for mental health essential in mediation
Parents’ perceived differences of their children’s mental health could be drastically reducing agreements in mediation, according to a new study at the Adelaide Family Relationship Centre. Continue Reading
White Ribbon Australia Workplace Accreditation
Relationships Australia South Australia is happy to announce our commitment to the White Ribbon Australia Workplace Accreditation program. We’ve recently completed the first step in the accreditation process, Recognition, and will continue to work towards full accreditation by 28 February 2016. Continue Reading
Our Gay Men’s Health SA team are excited to have just released the, a social marketing campaign which aims to increase awareness of PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) in the community. Continue Reading
Inquiry into Domestic and Family Violence
Relationships Australia South Australia has made a written submission to the Social Development Committee inquiry into Domestic and Family Violence.
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Gay Men’s Health SA Online Counselling Service
Relationships Australia South Australia’s Gay Men’s Health Program is offering online counselling using a secure application Microsoft Lync, with both counsellor and client active and online at the same time. We are also able to offer Skype (video) sessions.
Suicide prevention during the festive season
The festive season is a time for celebration, for family and for togetherness. But for some, the festive season can be a painful reminder that they are alone, their loneliness accentuated by everyone else’s celebrations and togetherness. Continue Reading