Sunday 16 November marked the fifth anniversary of the Federal Government’s Apology to the Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants with events held around the country to celebrate the occasion. Continue Reading
Adult Health & Wellbeing
Ending HIV
You’re invited to mobilise in support of the most significant advance against HIV since the introduction of HIV treatments nearly 20 years ago. It’s about ending HIV: 2020 marks the end of the decade and it can also mark the end for new cases of HIV in Australia.
ActNow Theatre’s Zero Feet Away at the Feast Festival
Where did you meet your first love? How would you describe yourself to a stranger? Where’s the best place to be kissed? What do you never talk about in public? How do you find intimacy in a virtual world?
Following the rise of dating applications such as Tinder and Grindr, Zero Feet Away explores how to find intimacy in virtual spaces, and what actually happens in our heads, our hearts and our bedrooms. Created by a team of professional and community young gay artists, this is innovative, provocative, inspiring and honest theatre not to be missed. Continue Reading
FRSA Conference Update: Service providers get ‘carrot’ to adopt early intervention practices
Family and Relationships services have been challenged to engage families well before they ‘break down’ and leave someone to ‘pick up the pieces’. Continue Reading
PEACE now recruiting volunteers
PEACE Multicultural Services is currently recruiting volunteers to join our volunteer program. Continue Reading
Rapid HIV Testing: If you want it, let us know!
Rapid HIV testing, which can provide results in as little as 30 minutes, is currently offered in some states in Australia (e.g. Queensland, Victoria, ACT and New South Wales).
Rapid testing is now being considered for use in SA; however, before such testing becomes available, the government and the HIV Interagency Taskforce (HIT), led by Gay Men’s Health SA (a service of Relationships Australia South Australia), want to gauge the opinion of gay men and men who have sex with men (MSM) on this important topic.
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ENSLAVED in a Magdalene Laundry – Adelaide
Last night the exhibition Enslaved in a Magdalene Laundry was opened by artist Anne Newmarch OAM and the Executive Director of the Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre, Jacinta Thompson in Adelaide. There was a large audience in attendance, including the former President of Ireland, Ms Mary McAleese. Continue Reading
Port Adelaide Suicide Prevention Network
The Port Adelaide Suicide Prevention Network is a newly established network aiming to lower the incidence of suicide in our local community and to increase the level of understanding and awareness of supports. Continue Reading
Do you or your partner experience chronic pain?
Chronic pain is recognised as pain that lasts for at least three months. Relationships Australia and the Australian Catholic University are working together to look at how chronic pain affects relationships and what can be done in terms of support. We’d love to hear from you! Continue Reading
Support for adult survivors of childhood abuse
The recent allegations of children abused in state care in the past two weeks has shocked and saddened the community. Continue Reading