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Relationships Australia South Australia is home to the new Forced Adoption Support Service

Minister for Social Services, the Hon. Scott Morrison today announced $3.9 million in Coalition Government funding which will enable people adversely affected by forced adoption practices to benefit from specialised support services across Australia. Relationships Australia South Australia will be providing this service in SA.

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No Fear: A Community Event

No Fear: Shifting Perspectives on Stigma, Racism and Discrimination

Join us for a discussion on the issues of stigma, racism and discrimination in our community, and how we can work together to shift negative perspectives. Featuring presentations from a number of leading speakers from the African community. This event has been organised in collaboration with the South Australian African Communities Health Advisory Committee.

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A guide to navigating the festive season as a separated family

The festive season can be a tricky time for separated families. Everyone wants to see their children on Christmas day, but when you’re living in separate households, that’s not always possible.

However, there are some ways to make the festive season run more smoothly and ensure that both children and parents get the opportunity to enjoy a safe and happy holiday season together. Continue Reading