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Rapid HIV Testing: If you want it, let us know!

Rapid HIV testing, which can provide results in as little as 30 minutes, is currently offered in some states in Australia (e.g. Queensland, Victoria, ACT and New South Wales).

Rapid testing is now being considered for use in SA; however, before such testing becomes available, the government and the HIV Interagency Taskforce (HIT), led by Gay Men’s Health SA (a service of Relationships Australia South Australia), want to gauge the opinion of gay men and men who have sex with men (MSM) on this important topic.
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Training to help get kids to school

Ensuring children attend school every day is vitally important as it gives children the best chance for a good start in life.

The Remote School Attendance Strategy is a Federal Government initiative in which School Attendance Officers and School Attendance Supervisors work with schools, families, parents, and community organisations to ensure all children attend school every day. Continue Reading