I feel like I am going mad. I desperately need your help.
Cash Concern
I have seen a number of companies offering to loan small amounts of cash up to $2000. They make it look easy. What are the hidden costs and risks? Are there other options for low-income earners the banks won’t touch?
Gender differences in dealing with life
A reader wonders why men are more likely than women to commit suicide.
AgriForums in the Adelaide Hills
Two free Agricultural Forums will be held in the Adelaide Hills as part of Relationships Australia SA’s Drought Assistance Program. The forums will focus on the effects of environmental fluctuations on farming and farmers. The practical and the personal impacts of negotiating dry seasons will be explored in the forums to support horticulturalists to plan for and adapt to changing climatic conditions.
Responsible Gambling Awareness Week 2016
The often hidden aspect of Australia’s enormous appetite for gambling is the harm caused by significant gambling losses to many gamblers and their families. It is estimated that for every problem gambler, another seven people are adversely affected. Continue Reading
Julia Farr Youth – 2nd Peer Support Network Meeting
On Monday, May 2, Julia Farr Youth hosted its second Peer Support Network Meeting for young adults (17-35) living with a disability. Continue Reading
Tell us your story
The Neighbour Day ‘Tell Us Your Story’ competition invites people in communities around the country to share their stories of an extraordinary neighbour, or an amazing neighbourly act.
Relationships Australia SA is accredited as a ‘White Ribbon Workplace’
On March 31 White Ribbon Australia was pleased to announce Relationships Australia SA has successfully been accredited as a ‘White Ribbon Workplace’.
National Sorry Day 2016
National Sorry Day is taking place on Thursday 26 May from 10.am to 2pm at the Stolen Generation Memorial and Healing Garden, Stebonheath Park, Andrews Farm. Continue Reading
National apology to those affected by former forced adoption policies and practices in Australia
Today we remember the national apology offered by the then Prime Minister Julia Gillard on 21 March 2013 to those affected by former forced adoption policies and practices in Australia.