Thirteen RASA staff will hear the latest innovations and discoveries in child trauma this week. The Childhood Trauma conference, which opens today in Melbourne, brings international speakers for workshops, presentations and panel sessions. Continue Reading
Happy Chappy One Plus One
Positioned as a one to one support service offered by PEACE Multicultural Services, Happy Chappy One Plus One encourages gay and same sex attracted men from culturally diverse backgrounds (like international students and migrants) to explore their challenges through a relaxing coffee or bubble tea chat with support worker Ben. Continue Reading
What does a Respectful Relationship look like?
For each one of us, respect looks and feels different. Despite this, we know when things aren’t right. Jenni from Respect Me, writes “for a relationship to be respectful both partners need to be equal, feel safe, valued and accepted for who they are.” This is not always easy and for most couples, creating a respectful relationship takes effort and is an ongoing commitment.
New – Elder Relationship Services
The Relationships Australia SA Elder Relationship Services is a new counselling and mediation service to support families who need help negotiating complex issues related to ageing. The service will be run as a twelve month trial from 1 January 2016.