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Family Forum

Family Forum is an initiative of the Advertiser, which aims to answer your questions about families, relationships, health and finances.

Relationships Australia South Australia supports Family Forum as a community resource however; the advice provided by the Family Forum panel does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Relationships Australia South Australia, its management or employees.

Testing Time

A reader asks: “I have antinuclear antibody positive test results, with a titre reading in the two thousands. I’m confused about what this is an indicator of; can you advise me please?” Continue Reading

Don’t Let Sleeping Dogs Lie on Backs


My question is about my dog Hermes and sleep apnoea for dogs. Yes, don’t laugh, it is a serious question. Neutered and now 10-plus years old, Hermes is a Bichon-Maltese cross. Fully vaccinated, healthy and much loved. He lives indoors most of the day.
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Pressure Test


Low blood pressure is never mentioned in health advice columns. What symptoms does this produce and how dangerous can it be? Continue Reading

DIY drama

Family Forum often receives requests for information about DIY wills and the risks involved. Here is a cautionary tale from a Family Forum lawyer. Continue Reading