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Family Forum

Family Forum is an initiative of the Advertiser, which aims to answer your questions about families, relationships, health and finances.

Relationships Australia South Australia supports Family Forum as a community resource however; the advice provided by the Family Forum panel does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Relationships Australia South Australia, its management or employees.

Leaving a home to children

A reader asks: “We are thinking of changing our title to include our children. If we were to do this, in the event that my husband or myself died, and the other were to remarry and live in our home, what percentage of the value of the house could possibly be given to the new party in the event the marriage did not work, or the remaining partner died, and the home was sold?” Continue Reading

Screen Time

A reader wonders: “My grandma had a mastectomy for breast cancer many years ago. Could the Family Forum doctor please clarify why older women are not required to have mammograms or Pap smears?” Continue Reading

Making the most of super

“I have a self-managed super fund set up to benefit the family. There’s just one problem: The rest of my family doesn’t want anything to do with it. What would happen to it when I die if my wife and I am the only ones in the trust, as compared to what would happen if the children signed up? What are the risks that we should consider?” Continue Reading