My 8-year-old daughter is wetting the bed most nights. She is a heavy sleeper and seldom wakes easily.
Family Forum
Family Forum is an initiative of the Advertiser, which aims to answer your questions about families, relationships, health and finances.
Relationships Australia South Australia supports Family Forum as a community resource however; the advice provided by the Family Forum panel does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Relationships Australia South Australia, its management or employees.
Legal letdown: Gran fears for her family
A reader worries about her grandchildren after psychologist’s reports appear to be ignored.
How can we reach troubled teenage son?
My son has reached those difficult teenage years.
Distress when mum, sisters push me away
I feel like I am going mad. I desperately need your help.
Cash Concern
I have seen a number of companies offering to loan small amounts of cash up to $2000. They make it look easy. What are the hidden costs and risks? Are there other options for low-income earners the banks won’t touch?
Mother’s concern over testing times
A mother is worried about the emphasis on study for NAPLAN tests at her children’s school.
Son’s gaming passion is taking over
A reader is worried about the amount of time her teenage son is spending playing computer games.
Gender differences in dealing with life
A reader wonders why men are more likely than women to commit suicide.
Views differ on how much skin to show
How certain situations with teenagers are an opportunity to focus on building and strengthening the relationship.
Support call
Support and social groups for parents with an only child.