A reader worries about the side effects of taking the pill for long time.
Family Forum
Family Forum is an initiative of the Advertiser, which aims to answer your questions about families, relationships, health and finances.
Relationships Australia South Australia supports Family Forum as a community resource however; the advice provided by the Family Forum panel does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Relationships Australia South Australia, its management or employees.
Mental health is everyone’s business
A reader worries about the unique behaviours of someone living with a mental health issue.
Kid’s Say
A reader worries about what the children have to say in Family Court.
Son’s turmoil over parents’ behaviour
A reader seeks advice to cope with family’s mental health issues Continue Reading
Hip replacement alternatives
A reader worries about available alternatives before proceeding with a hip replacement. Continue Reading
Not all dementia begins with forgetfulness
A reader worries about the change of personality of a friend suffering frontal lobe dementia.
All that wheezes may not be asthma
A reader wonders if several indoor cats could be the trigger for her young nephew’s asthma.
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It was a mistake: I need to move on
A reader needs to sell the home so she can leave a broken relationship. Continue Reading
Time to change
A reader worries about the adjustments of living with a partner
His children are getting a free ride
A reader is concerned at how much her widower fiancé indulges his sons. Continue Reading