The Child Focused Practice online program was launched at Hindmarsh on Wednesday, 9 September. There were fifty people in attendance including, and most importantly, children. Continue Reading
Latest News
Free & exciting training opportunities for NAHA funded programs
The latest NAHA funded programs training schedule has been released and courses are now open for registration. A number of training workshops will be made available free of charge to NAHA members. Continue Reading
Unlock your learning at Adult Learners’ Week Open Day
Are you looking for a course to help you in your work?
Our training division, the Australian Institute of Social Relations’ COPE Workforce Development courses are back for semester 2 and ready for registrations!
Unmasked African Festival: 12 September
Come and celebrate with South Australia’s African Communities at the Unmasked African Festival, Saturday, 12 September. The festival will feature music, dance, food, arts and crafts, face painting and kids activities. Continue Reading
Forgiveness is best for disappointment
He forgot their anniversary, but playing the blame game isn’t helpful.
Bitter Pill
The latest question from Family Forum about the cost of pharmaceutical drugs.
Social media can fuel delusions of grandeur
A reader worries about how parents can stop their children from developing over-inflated egos
Free counselling available at the Student Training Clinic
The Student Training Clinic is back! The Clinic offers 4 free fortnightly counselling sessions (individual or couples counselling) conducted by our student counsellors in their final stages of training at our registered training organisation, the Australian Institute of Social Relations. Continue Reading
Children at the heart of bust-up principles
What does 50% rights to children really mean? A frustrated father wonders.