Relationships Australia SA has changed it’s hours!
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WorkReady Subsidies Now Available for Nationally Recognised Qualifications
Adoption Act changes will commence in December
Today, Cathy Taylor, Chief Executive of the Department for Child Protection, advised us that changes to the Adoption Act will commence on the 18 December 2017. Continue Reading
‘Positive Change’ music video has been launched!
World AIDS Day (WAD) is held on December 1 each year and is celebrated globally to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and its associated issues such as stigma and discrimination.
Learning About Life Beyond HIV
Invitation to attend: “Making a Positive Change: the Power of the Collective”
PEACE Multicultural Services invites all to attend “Making a Positive Change: the Power of the Collective” on Thursday 23 November. This event is part of World AIDS Day. Continue Reading
Badges from the Past: Remembering the History of Institutional Care
In an effort to remember the history of institutional care, a Forgotten Australian (with assistance from others) has started collecting badges from South Australian Children’s Homes and institutions for preservation. Continue Reading
Adelaide White Ribbon Breakfast 10th Anniversary
Violence against women is a serious and widespread problem in Australia, and one that has significant impacts for individuals, the wider community and social costs. However, the problem is ultimately preventable. Continue Reading
SOLD OUT! Northern Regional Forum: Keeping Families Safe – Working with Men
This event has SOLD OUT!
Are you interested in learning more about how to support families experiencing family domestic violence (FDV) and working with men who are using violence in their relationships? Continue Reading
Think differently to make a difference in child crisis
Family safety can only come from rethinking the whole child protection system, a symposium has been told in Adelaide this morning.
Response to risks as important as screening for risks
Don’t just screen –respond.