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Post Separation

Staying focused on what’s important over the festive season

“Children don’t need more things.  The best toys a child can have is a parent who gets on the floor and plays with them” Bruce Perry

The festive season can be a particularly difficult time for children and parents living in separate households. Children often feel pressured to please both parents and this can lead them to have increased levels of anxiety.

However, there are things you can do to make the holiday season run smoothly, ensuring that both you and your children get the opportunity to enjoy meaningful time together.

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Free Event – Connect2U Community Day!

The event is being run to provide information on services and community organisations in the Parafield gardens and surrounding areas to local residents.

There will be a Welcome to Country by Rodney O’Brian and Music will be provided by Brutha and I and the Songambele International Gospel Choir.

Twenty five stall holders will be providing information as well as a sausage sizzle, Devonshire tea and several children’s activities, Metropolitan Fire Service Truck and soccer workshops.

The event is hosted by the Inner Northern Violence Against Women Regional Collaboration.

Download the flyer Connect2U Community Day

A guide to navigating the festive season as a separated family

The festive season can be a tricky time for separated families. Everyone wants to see their children on Christmas day, but when you’re living in separate households, that’s not always possible.

However, there are some ways to make the festive season run more smoothly and ensure that both children and parents get the opportunity to enjoy a safe and happy holiday season together. Continue Reading