The new Healthy Relationships Program has been developed specifically for women in prison and will be evaluated by Flinders University.
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Elder Relationship Services Trial
The Relationships Australia SA Elder Relationship Services is a new counselling and mediation service to support families who need help negotiating complex issues related to ageing. With only three months to go, make a booking now to use the service. Continue Reading
Everyone Has a Story (EHAS)
Everyone Has a Story (EHAS) is an online story-sharing project based in Adelaide, South Australia. It is a unique platform where gay and same sex attracted men from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds share their experiences of coming to and living in South Australia, through story telling. Continue Reading
Back on Track: A Men’s Group for Positive Change
The Back on Track: A Men’s’ Group for Positive Change gives men who are struggling with the use of violence in their personal relationships real and meaningful opportunities to make change. Continue Reading
State Government unveils memorial to past forced adoptions
A memorial to parents, adoptees and families who suffered loss through forced adoptions was unveiled by Premier Jay Weatherill on Thursday 14 July, four years after he apologised in State Parliament for policies that allowed the forced removal of children from their mothers.
Need for More Talk on End of Life Decisions
A survey conducted by Relationships Australia has found that only five per cent of female and eight per cent of male respondents have written an end of life plan or advanced care directive to guide their family and medical professionals.
Views differ on how much skin to show
How certain situations with teenagers are an opportunity to focus on building and strengthening the relationship.
How to fight fair in a family feud
There are some sound rules of engagement to follow when it comes to family disputes.