“Not a Game Worth Betting On” is taking place on Tuesday, 12th September at 12 pm with the year 8s at Le Fevre High School in collaboration with Uni SA’s Sports Connect Program.
Family Forum – Schools can handle kids with autism
Family Forum discusses what supports there are for autistic children in mainstream schooling…
Getting Ready for School: Practice, Prepare, Relax!
School is just around the corner! Here are some hints and tips you can use to prepare your children for school transition over the holidays. Continue Reading
Connect2U Community Day 2016
Connect2U – free community event will be held on Thursday, 13 October from 10 am – 2 pm at Karrendi Primary School, Parafield Gardens. Continue Reading
State Government unveils memorial to past forced adoptions
A memorial to parents, adoptees and families who suffered loss through forced adoptions was unveiled by Premier Jay Weatherill on Thursday 14 July, four years after he apologised in State Parliament for policies that allowed the forced removal of children from their mothers.
SWAPv Inaugural Conference, 13 – 15 July
Enhancing child and adolescent well-being and preventing violence in school and early childhood settings
Over three days the Student Wellbeing and Prevention of Violence Centre (SWAPv) brings together national and international researchers in the field of promoting student wellbeing, positive mental health, preventing violence and aggression, bullying and cyberbullying, and other related fields.
Tell us your story
The Neighbour Day ‘Tell Us Your Story’ competition invites people in communities around the country to share their stories of an extraordinary neighbour, or an amazing neighbourly act.
Anniversary of the National Apology
Friday 12 February marks the 8th Anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generation.
Honouring the Stolen Generations
The 9th Anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations will take place on Monday 13 February at Veale Gardens to remember the thousands that gathered at Elder Park on the morning of the Apology in 2008.
Commemorative Public Artwork for Past Forced Adoption Practices Update
Concept Design Presentations have taken place and our Post Adoption Support Service are pleased to announce that CHEB have been selected to move to the next stage of concept design development for the Commemorative Public Artwork for Past Forced Adoption Practices.