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Shape it! International Students have the POWER to EMPOWER Forum

Moving to a new country and having to make new social relationships can be tough and overwhelming for international students. If you are someone who would like to build connections with student support service network and is keen to improve the health and wellbeing of international students, this forum is for you!

Unlock your learning at Adult Learners’ Week Open Day

As part of Adult Learners’ Week, an international festival of adult learning held the first week of September every year, the Australian Institute of Social Relations will be hosting an Open Day on 1 September, 9:30am-4pm. Join us to find out more about our range of qualifications and workforce development courses, discover your individual learning style, talk with our educators, and meet others who are interested in taking their learning to the next level. Continue Reading

Free Event – Connect2U Community Day!

The event is being run to provide information on services and community organisations in the Parafield gardens and surrounding areas to local residents.

There will be a Welcome to Country by Rodney O’Brian and Music will be provided by Brutha and I and the Songambele International Gospel Choir.

Twenty five stall holders will be providing information as well as a sausage sizzle, Devonshire tea and several children’s activities, Metropolitan Fire Service Truck and soccer workshops.

The event is hosted by the Inner Northern Violence Against Women Regional Collaboration.

Download the flyer Connect2U Community Day

Training to help get kids to school

Ensuring children attend school every day is vitally important as it gives children the best chance for a good start in life.

The Remote School Attendance Strategy is a Federal Government initiative in which School Attendance Officers and School Attendance Supervisors work with schools, families, parents, and community organisations to ensure all children attend school every day. Continue Reading