“As a nation we’ve always got to be prepared to look in an unflinching way at our past and when we see a wrong we have got to be prepared to recognise it, name it, and act to redress it”. The Hon. Julia Gillard AC
Honouring the Stolen Generations: 10th Anniversary of the National Apology
Tuesday, 13 February marks the 10th Anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations. The Apology was delivered by former-Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in 2008. Continue Reading
Indigenous Children and Schooling Program
With funding ending soon, we would like to share some highlights from this innovative program.
Change of Hours Notification
Relationships Australia SA has changed it’s hours!
Sorry Day 2017 Wrap Up
This year’s National Sorry Day event took place on Friday 26 May at the Stolen Generation Memorial and Healing Garden, Stebonheath Park, Andrews Farm. Continue Reading
Loving You, Loving Me, Companion Animals and Domestic Violence: An Exhibition
Loving you, Loving me, Companion Animals and Domestic Violence is collaborative project that highlights the personal experiences of women who have survived domestic violence. Continue Reading
Lead with Confidence: Learn from Industry Experts
Are you looking to take the next step in your Community Services career? Sharpen your management and leadership skills with an Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management from our training arm, the Australian Institute of Social Relations. Continue Reading
Honouring the Stolen Generations: 9th Anniversary of the National Apology
Monday, 13 February marks the 9th Anniversary of the National Apology to Australia’s Indigenous Peoples. The Apology was delivered by former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in 2008 and gave particular acknowledgement to the Stolen Generations. Continue Reading
A Celebration of CEO Judith Cross’ Leadership
In late September, we farewelled our inspirational CEO, Judith Cross. Judith has contributed immensely to Relationships Australia SA (RASA) during her 16 years of leadership, and also to COPE (the Centre of Personal Education) in the eight years prior to that.
What is Urge Surfing?
What is Urge Surfing? Urge surfing means noticing your urges and simply watching them rise and fall like waves, while not having to respond. Continue Reading