Monthly Survey: Would you like to participate in Relationships Australia’s quick, two-minute survey? Yes No thanks

Do you or your partner experience chronic pain?

Chronic pain is recognised as pain that lasts for at least three months. Relationships Australia and the Australian Catholic University are working together to look at how chronic pain affects relationships and what can be done in terms of support. We’d love to hear from you!

If you are having couples counselling (or considering couples counselling) at Relationships Australia, are over 18 years old and you or your partner experience chronic pain, we invite you to take part in a survey. The information generated will be used to develop a program to support people experiencing chronic pain, and their partners.

Chronic pain affects one in five people and can cause significant physical and emotional suffering and major financial hardship.

The first survey will be about your experiences of chronic pain and will take about three minutes to complete. Your answers will be kept confidential. If suitable, there is a second survey for you and your partner to complete about your relationship experiences of chronic pain, which takes about 20 minutes to complete. Again, all your answers are confidential.

To take part in the first survey, please click here.

For questions or comments, please contact the Manager of Research and Evaluation by clicking here.