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Exciting News: New Treatment Available for Hepatitis C

Australia leads the world in treatment strategy for hepatitis C. In March 2016, new highly effective, direct-acting antiviral medicines became publically funded and were made available on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). All Australians living with chronic hepatitis C now have access to this medication which is far more effective and easier to take. Most importantly, it has significantly lower risks of side-effects than previous treatment options.

This new treatment (which can only be provided to people who are over the age of 18 and are not pregnant or breastfeeding), offers a cure to 90-95% of people living with hepatitis C. It is taken orally and typically requires only 8-12 weeks of treatment to be effective. The success of this treatment depends on a number of factors including but not limited to; existing liver damage; whether the patient has previously undergone treatment for hepatitis C; and the specific genotype of hepatitis C.

If you or anyone you know is living with hepatitis C and needs further information, please contact hepatitis SA.

Support, counselling and education for people living with hepatitis C available through Relationships Australia SA include:

hepatitis awareness ribbon

The Green Ribbon represents Hepatitis Awareness, with World Hepatitis Day celebrated on 28 July annually.