The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has made available the report of its first public hearing. Report of Case Study No. 1: The response of institutions to the conduct of Steven Larkins, was also tabled in the Commonwealth Parliament last month.
Royal Commissions CEO Janette Dines said Steven Larkins occupied positions of responsibility in Scouts Australia NSW and the Hunter Aboriginal Children’s Service.
“This public hearing provided an opportunity to examine how both institutions responded to the behaviour of Mr Larkins,” said Ms Dines.
“The scope and purpose of this public hearing was to examine the appropriateness of the practices and procedures of regulatory agencies and how effectively these were applied, as well as giving consideration to the criminal justice system as it applies to sexual offenders.”
The report makes 27 findings concerning institutional responses to the conduct of Mr Larkins.
To read the full report, visit the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse website.