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Focus on Family Safety: Risk Management in Practice Forum

Relationships Australia South Australia is delighted to be hosting Professor Amy Holtzworth-Munroe (Indiana University), Dr Troy McEwan (Swinburne University) and Dr Jamie Lee at a public forum 18 July 2016, Focus on Family Safety: Risk Management in Practice. The guest speakers will explore the implementation of risk management systems to support family safety in family law, and will explore how do we turn commitment to family safety into effective and efficient practice?

Professor Amy Holtzworth-Munroe’s research career spans over 30 years, and includes developing methods of identifying and assessing intimate partner violence (IPV) risks. Her pioneering work assists family law and health practitioners worldwide to implement evidence based approaches to IPV screening and risk assessment.

Dr Troy McEwan is the co-author of Stalking risk profile: guidelines for the assessment and management of stalkers, a risk assessment manual used by international forensic mental health services and police to respond to stalkers and stalking. Dr McEwan’s insights into the psychology of people who stalk has been instrumental in shaping screening processes that identify the risk of family violence.

Dr Jamie Lee, who is the Principal Researcher at Relationships Australia SA (RASA), will talk about universal screening using tools such as the Family Law Detection of Overall Risk Screen (FL-DOORS). Dr Lee will present on RASA’s successful agency-wide universal risk screening implementation, with nearly 10,000 clients screened at RASA since 2012.

It is well demonstrated that collaboration across the family law system helps to keep clients safe; this forum will emphasise the need for effective risk management in professional practice.  This purpose of this forum is to provide professionals in the family law sector with an opportunity to learn new ways to support people who are experiencing family violence.

This professional development and networking event is recommended for Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners (FDRP), lawyers, judges, Independent Children’s Lawyers (ICLs) and other professionals working in the family and domestic violence sector.

Continuing Professional Development – If this particular educational activity is relevant to your immediate or long term needs regarding professional development and practice, you should claim one “unit” for each hour of attendance, refreshment breaks not included.

The Master of Ceremonies for this event is  David Jenkin, Director of Howe Jenkin, Family Lawyers and Mediators

Date: Monday, 18 July 2016
Time: 4.00pm to 7.00pm, including drinks and nibbles
Location: UniSA, City West Campus
North Terrace, Adelaide
Lecture Theatre 1, Room BH2-09
Level 2, Barbara Hanrahan Building
Tram Stop City West

Cost: $70 (full) $60 with promo code FOCUS2016 or $55 (concession) + booking fees
Discounts apply for group bookings, phone Sian, 8216 5200 for details.


Supported by The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre.