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Relationships Australia South Australia is home to the new Forced Adoption Support Service

Minister for Social Services, the Hon. Scott Morrison today announced $3.9 million in Coalition Government funding which will enable people adversely affected by forced adoption practices to benefit from specialised support services across Australia. Relationships Australia South Australia will be providing this service in SA.

“We have a long standing commitment in the area of post adoption support and we welcome the funding announced today by the Coalition Government. The service is ready to welcome and support individuals, families and communities affected by forced adoption,” Nikki Hartmann said.

In 2013 the National Apology for Forced Adoptions acknowledged the lifelong legacy of pain and suffering by the forced adoption policies and practices of separating babies from their family. This funding will provide much needed assistance for those people who have endured great trauma and harm.

Funding will support a national telephone help line which provides guidance and referrals for people affected by forced adoption. The support line offers improved access to personalised services, information on records-tracing and local support networks. The number, 1800 21 03 13, represents the date of the national apology. Face-to-face services are available at our Hindmarsh site in South Australia.

More information about the Forced Adoption Support Services can be found by clicking here.