Have you been affected by past practices and policies of forced adoption in Australia?
If so, the National Archives of Australia wants to hear your story.
On Thursday 21 March 2013, the Australian Government delivered a formal national apology to those affected by forced adoption practices. As part of this formal apology it was announced that the National Archives of Australia has been invited to develop a website and exhibition to record the experiences of those affected by forced adoption and increase awareness and understanding of these experiences in the community.
This is in response to the Senate Community Affairs Committee report into the Commonwealth Contribution to Former Forced Adoption Policies and Practices. It specifically relates to Recommendation 20: that the Commonwealth commission an exhibition documenting the experiences of those affected by former forced adoption policies and practices.
The Archives is working towards launching the website on the first anniversary of the formal apology in 2014, and opening the exhibition on the second anniversary in 2015. The Archives is also responsible for developing and managing a national tour for the exhibition.
Both projects will provide people the opportunity to tell their stories and help the Australian community to understand and learn from these experiences.
If you have, in any way, been affected by the practices and policies of forced adoption in Australia and would like to share your experiences for this project, please complete the Expression of Interest form on the National Archives of Australia website. Your comments will assist in developing these projects.
If you have been affacted by past adoption practices and would like support or assistance, please visit Post Adoption Support Services for more information.