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FRSA Conference Update: Service providers get ‘carrot’ to adopt early intervention practices

Family and Relationships services have been challenged to engage families well before they ‘break down’ and leave someone to ‘pick up the pieces’.

Opening the Family and Relationships Services Australia annual conference in Adelaide this morning, Minister for Social Services, Kevin Andrews declared ‘Prevention and early intervention are critical’ and signalled funding would shift towards getting outcomes for families earlier.

The Minister added he would use ‘carrots, not sticks’ to encourage service providers to change. Andrews said he aims to ‘enhance marriage and family’, giving the ‘Stronger Relationships‘ trial as an example.

Relationships Australia (SA) has two presenters at the conference and hosted a day-long pre-conference workshop on The Family Law DOORS holistic risk screening tool. Relationships Australia (SA) is also an accredited provider for the Stronger Relationships trial, which gives eligible Australians a $200 voucher towards counselling and relationship education services.