School is just around the corner! Here are some hints and tips you can use to prepare your children for school transition over the holidays.
Relaxing into the Routine
1) Pack a lunchbox and plan lunchtime picnics with your child. Help your child get used to unpacking their lunch, opening up their food and choosing what to have for recess and for lunch. This gives you a chance to work out options and which food will work best.
2) Make time for your child to practice putting out their uniform or clothes the night before. Build routines so that dressing in the morning is less stressful and time consuming.
3) Create a relaxing bedtime routine by regular bedtime reading or taking a bath each night. This will help calm your child and help them to get a good night’s sleep.
Social Skills for School
1) Find ways to help your child practice introducing themselves. They may be uncomfortable and need prompting at first, but habits can form quickly. This is an important skill in making new friends at school.
2) Practice classroom skills. Create opportunities to practice taking turns, sharing in activities and getting involved in conversations. This is a good way for children to learn about waiting their turn and not interrupting.
3) Help your child develop independence by practicing self-dressing and undressing, or taking on small responsibilities. Start with simple things such as putting dirty washing in the laundry, setting the dinner table or putting away their belongings. Your child’s teacher will be encouraging independence from day 1!
4) Help your child get ready to learn. Reading stories together; asking questions about the world around them; counting; doing puzzles or building something together helps to develop skills that will be needed at school.
5) Ask your child about their feelings. There are lots of big emotions that could be going on for both you and your child at this time. Spend time together and listen to your child’s worries. If your child is anxious about going to school, be reassuring that these feelings are normal and they will pass with time.
Make the path to a successful transition into school easy – Practice, Prepare, Relax!
Our Services:
If you, or someone you know, might benefit from one of our related services please contact us via the links below.
Children and Parenting Support (CAPS): works in partnership with parents and caregivers to promote family strengths and connectedness, and to build confidence in nurturing their children’s development and wellbeing.
Family Mental Health Support Service (FMHSS): provides innovative and flexible early intervention support services to enhance the wellbeing of children and young people aged between birth to 18 who are at risk of an emerging mental health issue.
Future Youth Initiative Service (FYI): aims to improve the social and emotional wellbeing of children, young people and their families. The service helps young people to develop pathways for achieving success in learning or in moving into the workforce.
iKiDs: helps children and young people deal with issues arising from their parent’s separation.
Indigenous Children and Schooling Program: supports Aboriginal families in preparing their children for successfully commencing and participating in kindergarten and school.
Post Adoption Support Services (PASS): provides support services for those whose lives are affected by adoption.
Post Separation Cooperative Parenting: helps parents stay focused on their children’s needs after separation.
Together 4 Kids (T4K): provides therapeutic programs aimed at helping children process the uncertainty and distress of homelessness.