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Loving You, Loving Me, Companion Animals and Domestic Violence: An Exhibition

Loving you, Loving me, Companion Animals and Domestic Violence is collaborative project that highlights the personal experiences of women who have survived domestic violence.

Flinders University researchers Dr Heather Fraser and Associate Professor Nik Taylor; Carley Millich and Julie Felus of Northern Domestic Violence Service NDVS; and Celine Graham of Relationships Australia South Australia have worked together on this project, which included individual interviews and a photo shoot with the survivors. The women were photographed by volunteers from the Mawson Lakes Photography Club with their children and pets. These beautiful photos were artistically shot to help de-identify the participants. Having these photos is particularly important for families who fled violence without being able to take their family photos. The photos will be exhibited along with excerpts from interviews Dr Fraser and Nik Taylor conducted with the women about their relationships with companion animals during and after leaving their homes.

You are invited to help launch this exhibition on Friday 9th June at 11am at The Mawson Lakes Centre. Minister Zoe Bettison will officially launch the exhibition. Ms. Christine Craik, a social work academic from RMIT University in Melbourne will also be present to speak on her personal and professional experiences of domestic violence and animals. All are welcome to this free event.

Download the Exhibition Poster