Support and social groups for parents with an only child.
How to fight fair in a family feud
There are some sound rules of engagement to follow when it comes to family disputes.
Elder Abuse
Prevent elder abuse – find out about the campaign.
Julia Farr Youth – 2nd Peer Support Network Meeting
On Monday, May 2, Julia Farr Youth hosted its second Peer Support Network Meeting for young adults (17-35) living with a disability. Continue Reading
Happy Chappy One Plus One
Positioned as a one to one support service offered by PEACE Multicultural Services, Happy Chappy One Plus One encourages gay and same sex attracted men from culturally diverse backgrounds (like international students and migrants) to explore their challenges through a relaxing coffee or bubble tea chat with support worker Ben. Continue Reading
PEACE Multicultural Services Community Ambassadors Project
PEACE employs people from diverse cultural backgrounds who are professionally trained to provide needed services in a culturally meaningful way. One of PEACE’s most recent initiative is to implement a program designed to reach out to CALD communities with regards to the problem of gambling. Continue Reading
Tell us your story
The Neighbour Day ‘Tell Us Your Story’ competition invites people in communities around the country to share their stories of an extraordinary neighbour, or an amazing neighbourly act.
What does a Respectful Relationship look like?
For each one of us, respect looks and feels different. Despite this, we know when things aren’t right. Jenni from Respect Me, writes “for a relationship to be respectful both partners need to be equal, feel safe, valued and accepted for who they are.” This is not always easy and for most couples, creating a respectful relationship takes effort and is an ongoing commitment.
Relationships Australia SA is accredited as a ‘White Ribbon Workplace’
On March 31 White Ribbon Australia was pleased to announce Relationships Australia SA has successfully been accredited as a ‘White Ribbon Workplace’.
National Sorry Day 2016
National Sorry Day is taking place on Thursday 26 May from to 2pm at the Stolen Generation Memorial and Healing Garden, Stebonheath Park, Andrews Farm. Continue Reading