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Humankind website launched to provide relationship support to those living with chronic illness

Relationships Australia has a website, that supports people living with chronic illness and their loved ones to achieve positive and respectful relationships. Humankind provides relationship information, support and resources appropriate for people living with a chronic illness, their loved ones and for practitioners working with clients living with chronic illness.

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Staying focused on what’s important over the festive season

“Children don’t need more things.  The best toys a child can have is a parent who gets on the floor and plays with them” Bruce Perry

The festive season can be a particularly difficult time for children and parents living in separate households. Children often feel pressured to please both parents and this can lead them to have increased levels of anxiety.

However, there are things you can do to make the holiday season run smoothly, ensuring that both you and your children get the opportunity to enjoy meaningful time together.

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The Launch of Omid

PEACE Multicultural Services is excited to introduce the first edition of ‘Omid’ electronic magazine. It can be read online or downloaded for free. Omid is for Afghan and Farsi speakers who are same-sex attracted, trans*, gender diverse or gender questioning.  This magazine has been developed by the community with support from PEACE Multicultural Services of Relationships Australia SA. Continue Reading