12-week program helping men to become better partners and fathers
09 August 2016 | Small Change, Radio Adelaide
Back on Track: A Men’s Group for Positive Change is a program aimed at men who are wanting to become better partners and fathers, and improve the relationships they have in their lives. David Tully, Practice Manager for Specialised Family Violence Services at Relationships SA, joined Small Change’s Lisa Burns for a chat.
LISTENWhen gambling becomes a problem
06 May 2015| The 5RM breakfast show
It’s supposedly a passtime that adds to the enjoyment of sport but in many cases it becomes an addiction and causes many problems in the community. This morning I learned a little more about this growing problem in our community. On Thursday 7th may at the Berri Footy Club there will be a presentation that all are invited to. If you would like to have a presentation at your sport or social club call Relationships Australia on 08 8582 41 22
LISTENYouth survey finds half bet
22 April 2015| Northern Messenger
Relationships Australia wants more education campaigns and support services after a study found more than half of northern youths surveyed had gambled in the past year.
READSay yes to city Neighbour Day
25 March 2015| Messenger Community News
Georgia Cromarty will ensure everyone is involved with the Eliza Street party this week to coincide with Neighbour Day.
READPicnic return for one and all
25 March 2015| Messenger Digital edition
Emma Hale’s community spirit is in overdrive as she prepares for the second annual Neighbour Day in Plympton.
READStreet party fun in the city for Neighbours
26 March 2015| Messenger Community News
A free street party to celebrate national Neigbour Day will be in Eliza street in the city this Sunday.
Prep and new Skype counselling service for remote gay men
10 March 2015| Small Change, Radio Adelaide
Wills Logue from Gay Men’s Health joined Small Change to talk about the upcoming community forum to provide information on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PREP), as well as a new Skype counselling service giving advice and information to gay men in regional and remote areas where face-to-face counselling services may be limited.
LISTENWell, There Goes The Neighbourhood!
26 March 2015 | Small Change, Radio Adelaide
To talk more about Neighbour Day on Sunday 29 March, Small Change’s Marnie Round and Ross Womersley were joined in the studio by Naomi Ebert Smith from Relationships Australia SA.
LISTENPassion Takes Her to the Top
7 March 2015 | The Advertiser
Relationships Australia South Australia CEO Judith Cross was featured in the Career One International Women’s Day special feature where she discusses her experience as a female leader in our sector.
READWorlds AIDS Day Marks 26 Years
4 December 2014 | Small Change, Radio Adelaide
The World Health Organisation declared World AIDS Day on December 1 1988. World AIDS Day aims to raise awareness of HIV and the issues related to the virus, and the need to reduce the stigma and discrimination faced by people living with the virus.
LISTENHave you Say…..Tell your Story
16 September 2014 | Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association
Pam Reilly talks with Relationship Australia Counsellors Christine Palmer & Heike Haffer and Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement Aboriginal Liaison Officer with the Royal Commission Charmaine Wilson on Strong Voices.
LISTEN“I want to talk about Ben”
12 September 2014 | In Daily
In a week when the community considers how to prevent suicide, Sue Frazer talks about losing her son Ben and how his death has inspired her to promote suicide prevention and awareness.
READTogether 4 Kids receives gong for tackling youth homelessness
12 September 2014 | Minister Zoe Bettison
Social Housing Minister Zoe Bettison has congratulated Together 4 Kids for winning the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) ‘Play Your Part’ award.
READ$50,000 government grant for a memorial to mothers who lost children through forced adoption policies
31 August 2014 | The Advertiser
MOTHERS who lost their children to the forced adoption policies of the 1950s, 60s and 70s will for the first time have a physical memorial to what they endured.
READSupport for sexual diversity on the Eyre Peninsula
19 August 2014 | ABC New England North West
A group has been established on the Eyre Peninsula to support sexual diversity within regional communities.
LISTENMornings Reloaded
6 August 2014 | ABC Radio Adelaide
Mergho Ray from Relationships Australia (SA) talks through the help available to regional people who are adult survivors of child abuse, and those engaging with the current Royal Commission.
LISTENLiving with HIV in regional South Australia
24 July 2014 | ABC Radio Adelaide
The World AIDS conference 2014 is in Melbourne. But how difficult is it for people living with HIV in rural and regional South Australia. Annette Marner speaks to Christopher Birt Whistle-Smith the Manager of Gay Men’s Health SA with Relationships Australia. This is followed by Matt Potter the men’s worker with Bfriend LGBTI Network SA with Uniting Communities.
LISTENDivorce is costing the Australian economy $14 billion a year
6 July 2014 | news.com.au
DIVORCE and family breakdowns are costing the national economy more than $14 billion a year in government assistance payments and court costs, an exclusive News Corp analysis has found.
READRedundancy – a public and personal crisis
12 June 2014 | The Wire
Every week seems to bring a new round of redundancies. Each person getting the golden or not so golden handshake has to deal with a huge change in their lives. The experts say how one deals with that change is crucial. Redundancy can be a time of psychological or financial crisis, or a way forward.
LISTENMen’s health service expands to Port Lincoln
10 June 2014 | Port Lincoln Times
Gay Men’s Health SA is hoping to expand its services into regional South Australia, starting in Port Lincoln.
READRelationships Australia discuss grieving over losses On Drop The Dis
07 May 2014 | Radio Adelaide
Grant Pearson is Regional Manager for the metro area for Relationships Australia. Today he spoke to Jane and Kieran about the work he and his counsellors do with individuals and families in identifying where people are feeling the effects of grieving over losses.
LISTENRiverland Today Reloaded
17 April 2014 | ABC Riverland
Find out what gambling support services are available locally.
LISTENNorth Adelaide residents fear attacks as councillors argue over colour of street lights
02 April 2014 | The Advertiser
RESIDENTS of a North Adelaide street where a woman was raped fear someone else will be attacked while Adelaide City councillors argue about the colour of new street lighting.
READFree gambling counselling available on island
30 January 2014 | The Island
Ash Whelan of Relationships Australia has been coming to Kangaroo Island for more than four years, bringing much needed assistance to community members adversely affected by gambling. Often he provides counsel to gamblers’ partners and children as well, as it is an issue that affects entire families.
READShelter SA – Deanna Rohrsheim & Child Homelessness
30 January 2014 | Radio Adelaide
Amanda is joined by Deanna Rohrsheim from Together 4 Kids, a service provided by Relationships Australia SA. Together 4 Kids assists children through the uncertainty and distress of homelessness and Deanna gives us an in-depth look at how and why this service operates.
LISTENFree gambling counselling available on island
30 January 2014 | The Islander
Ash Whelan of Relationships Australia has been coming to Kangaroo Island for more than four years, bringing much needed assistance to community members adversely affected by gambling.
READGoin’ to the chapel and we’re gonna get a voucher…
27 January 2014 | Radio Adelaide
Federal Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews has announced a $200 voucher for marriage counselling for newlyweds, beginning with a trial of 100,000 couples from July 1 this year.
LISTENAdelaide’s most popular suburbs for same-sex couples revealed by Census data
8 January 2014 | The Advertiser
KARA Pickard loves living in Eastwood with her partner Jessica Jackson because it’s a neighbourhood where they won’t get a “second look” just because they’re gay.
READWorld AIDS Day: The Fight Goes On
29 November 2013 | Gay News Network
First held 25 years ago in 1988, World AIDS Day each year brings a global focus to the epidemic that first emerged some 30 years ago and is still very much with us today.
READSocial media partly to blame for 50 new HIV cases a year in SA
27 November 2013 | The Australian
SOUTH Australia is getting more than 50 new HIV notifications a year despite public safety campaigns on issues – and social media such as Facebook is partly to blame, experts say.
READRecognising White Ribbon Day
25 November 2013 | The Legacy Hour, Radio Adelaide
Grant Pearson, Regional Manager, Central and Hills at Relationships Australia (SA) speaks about White Ribbon Day which is the annual campaign and global recognition of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
LISTENGetting on with gay men’s health
20 September 2013 | Gay News Network
It has finally been announced officially that Relationships Australia SA (RASA) has taken over the Gay Men’s Health and HIV peer education programs of the now-defunct AIDS Council of South Australia (ACSA).
READAbuse report line ‘failing children each day’
19 June 2013 | Channel 7 News
Welfare workers have told 7News an overloaded and underfunded system is failing abused and vulnerable children each day.
WATCHDivorcing parents warned of social media dangers
25 May 2013 | The Advertiser
Divorcing parents who use the ‘‘insidious features’’ of social media as a weapon will put at risk their custody arrangements and settlements and could even face prison, legal experts warn.
READResponsible Gambling Awareness Week
22 May 2013 | Radio Adelaide
It’s Responsible Gambling Awareness Week and you might not be aware of it but there are 5000 people in South Australia that suffer day to day through gambling addictions.
LISTENSouth Australia moves to ban live odds betting
21 May 2013 | Channel 7 News
The South Australian Government is to ban advertising of live odds betting on television and during sporting matches played anywhere.
READSouth Australia to ban advertising of betting odds during live sport
21 May 2013 | TV Tonight
South Australia will ban advertising of betting odds during live sporting broadcasts and at sporting grounds – the first state in Australia to move on a growing social debate.
READSouth Australia to ban advertising of live odds betting
20 May 2013 | Gaming Intelligence
South Australia is looking to become the first Australian state to ban the advertising of live odds betting on television screens during the broadcast of sporting events.
READLive odds betting advertisements to be banned in SA, Premier Jay Weatherill announces
20 May 2013 | news.com.au
Advertising live odds betting during sporting matches will be banned in South Australia following recommended changes to gambling codes of practice.
READSouth Australia plans to ban live odds
20 May 2013 | ABC Lateline
South Australia will go it alone to become the first state to ban the promotion of live betting odds on television and at sporting grounds.
WATCHNational apology for forced adoption – an important step for healing
20 March 2013 | Open Forum
In the lead up to the National Adoption Apology, social justice advocate, Nikki Hartmann, explains the importance of breaking the decades-long silence surrounding past forced adoption practices and acknowledging the lasting grief experienced by countless men, women and children.
READForced adoption apology
19 March 2013 | ABC Brisbane
On the 21st of March Julia Gillard will deliver a historical apology on behalf of the Australian government, to the people affected by forced adoption or removal policies and practices.
LISTENWhen work’s a long way off and dealing with it
17 March 2013 | The Advertiser
As Australia’s mining and resources industry continues to boom, the number of fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) workers is also on the rise.
READWomen who fought for adoption rights
15 March 2013 | ABC News
Next week in Federal Parliament, the Prime Minister will deliver a national apology for past adoption practices, where single mothers were given no choices and in many cases were forced into adoption.
WATCHMichelle Trestrail turns to Facebook in her search for her birth father Michael Martin
19 February 2013 | Adelaide Now
A South Australian teenager’s quest to find her birth father has become a global social media sensation after a photograph of her holding a handwritten plea for information went viral on Facebook.