Monthly Survey: Would you like to participate in Relationships Australia’s quick, two-minute survey? Yes No thanks

Memorial for Past Adoption Policies and Practices

In September 2014, the State Government of South Australia provided funding for a memorial to be built in recognition of those who were separated by past adoption policies and practices. Our Post Adoption Support Services has been holding community consultations in regards to the proposed memorial and has now developed an online survey for people to provide their input. 

“The responses we have had from the community consultations tell an in-depth and powerful narrative about the effects of past adoption practices, and the ongoing complexity in living with an adoption story, and we thank everyone who has participated so far,” said Nikki Hartmann, Manager of Post Adoption Support Services (PASS).

For those who have been unable to attend these sessions, PASS has now developed an online survey using the questions asked in the community consultations.

“We ask that anyone who has been affected by past adoption policies and practices take the time to complete this survey so we can gain an understanding of what’s important in creating this memorial, from those who are affected by adoption,” said Nikki.

“It is important that we get as much input as possible from the community.”

The survey only takes several minutes to complete, and the feedback received will help shape the memorial. All responses are anonymous and no personal identifying information is collected.

Click here to start the survey.