March 21 marks the fourth anniversary of the National Apology to those affected by Forced Adoption and/or removal practices and policies within Australia.
The Australian Government delivered a formal apology to people affected by past forced adoption or removal policies and practices on 21 March 2013. The National Apology was delivered by former Prime Minister Julia Gillard. The full transcript of the speech is available online.
The apology acknowledges the experiences of those affected by forced adoptions, which created a lifelong legacy of pain and suffering. It is an important day as these experiences continue to affect mothers, fathers, adoptees and other family members.
“The apology presented an opportunity for the silenced voices of those affected by forced adoption practices to be finally heard,” said Nikki Hartmann, Manager, Post Adoption Support Services, “It is an opportunity for Australians to have their eyes and minds opened to all that was done to the mothers, fathers and babies, who are now adults, affected by past government and other social policies. An opportunity to speak truthfully about past wrongdoings and to show a willingness to take responsibility for injustices.”
Relationships Australia South Australia offers free, confidential support services to people affected by forced adoption practices. Please contact our Forced Adoption Support Service on 1800 210 313 or our Post Adoption Support Services on (08) 8245 8100 or visit our website here.
For more information about the National Apology, click here.