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National Sorry Day 2017

National Sorry Day takes place on Friday, 26 May this year. Sorry Day is an important time to remember the past policies of forced removal of Aboriginal children from their families, and the ongoing impact on the  Stolen Generations. It is also a day to commemorate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s history, and celebrate their survival, culture and community.

A community sharing and healing event will again be held at the Stolen Generation Memorial and Healing Garden at Stebonheath Park, Andrews Farm. The ceremony will be followed by a celebration and lunch at the John McVeity Centre, 182 Peachy Road, Smithfield Plains.

“This year is particularly significant as it is the twentieth anniversary of the Bringing Them Home Report,” said Relationships Australia South Australia CEO Claire Ralfs. “It is important that we reflect on the recommendations of this report and acknowledge the work that still needs to be done. With this event we hope to create a space that encourages healing, hope and connectedness.”

The event at the Memorial and Healing Garden will begin with a Welcome to Country by Allan Sumner, and elders will lead a short walk towards the memorial. At this time, leaders from the community will speak and a ceremonial tree planting will take place.

Festivities will continue at the John McVeity Centre, with music, activities for all ages and a free community BBQ. Marra Dreaming and Aboriginal Contemporary Arts workshops will be available on the day, with live entertainment from, Hannah Yates & Anton Seaborn, Nathan May and Scott Rathman Jnr.

Limited bus pick-ups are available on the day, please phone 08 8255 3323 to book.

Sorry Day Community Sharing & Healing Community Event
Friday, 26 May, 10 am – 2 pm
Ceremony: The Stolen Generation Memorial & Healing Garden, Stebonheath Park, Davoren Road, Andrews Farm
Celebration & Lunch:  John McVeity Centre, 182 Peachy Road, Smithfield Plains

National Sorry Day in the North 2017