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RASA Achieves Award Level in Australian Service Excellence Standards

Relationships Australia South Australia has recently achieved the Award level in the Australian Service Excellence Standards (ASES).

ASES is an internationally accredited quality improvement program initiated by the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion (DCSI), aimed at supporting non-government organisations in the Community Services Sector across Australia.

The benefit of attaining standards of excellence for Community Service organisations is to give clients confidence in the quality of services that they are accessing and demonstrating their community standing to stakeholders.

Relationships Australia South Australia (RASA) already held the Certificate level of achievement but 2016 saw the team aspire to Award level. Prior to the auditors visit, workbooks for both Certificate and Award level were completed and a vast amount of evidence was assembled and submitted. The auditor visited a number of RASA sites to check for consistency of service delivery. The 3 days inspection culminated with the auditor interviewing staff, clients, key stakeholders and members of the RASA Board.

At the end of the audit process preliminary findings and recommendations were presented to the auditing body that reports to DCSI. In August 2016, RASA was informed that we had attained both the Certificate and the Award levels in the Australian Service Excellence Standards.

“To achieve such a high standard of excellence requires a huge effort and input from all staff and reflects the hard work and dedication by the people within RASA,” said Sharon Lawrence-Good, Quality Manager at RASA. “Receiving the Award level was a real team achievement.”

The accreditation for Australian Service Excellence Standards Certificate and Award levels is valid for three years.