The Australian Institute of Social Relations will be launching the Family Law DOORS Online Training Program at two launch events in Sydney on 24 March and Melbourne on 25 March.
Prof. Jennifer McIntosh from Family Transitions and Dr. Claire Ralfs from The Australian Institute of Social Relations present the latest practice, research and training news on the Family Law DOORS, with special guests:
- Chief Judge John Pascoe AO CVO (Sydney)
- The Honourable Chief Justice, Diana Bryant AO QC (Melbourne)
The event will cover:
- New insights into risk presentations across the family law system
- New online training is introduced, to help all family law professionals better detect, evaluate and respond to patterns of risk in clients of the family law system: adults, children and infants.
Download the New Data, New Practices, New Possibilities (Flyer) for more information or visit the Family Law DOORS website to register.
Note for lawyers: If this particular educational activity is relevant to your immediate or long term needs regarding professional development and practice of the law, you should claim one “unit” for each hour of attendance, refreshment breaks not included.